People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did
but people will never forget how
you made them feel

Maya Angelou

Design as Alchemy

Design is a powerful and mercurial force. It can support and transport us simultaneously. We believe that good interior design goes far beyond decoration to help us feel grounded, embodied, soothed, connected and inspired. Good interior design pays careful attention to people, behaviour, space, materials, furniture, lighting and touchpoints as ingredients of equal importance. It is a form of alchemy, turning abstract ideas into physical environments; conjuring life into reality, atmosphere from imagination.

Our Values: Trust, Care, Beauty

We use our values as guiding principles in how we work and show up for ourselves and others. Trust matters deeply; design is personal, and good design flourishes from seeds of trusted relationships. Trust enables reassurance. Care manifests with trust in place. We are careful and full of care, taking seriously the responsibility that we have to design spaces for people to live their lives within. Our care means we work always with diligence and integrity. Beauty is what we work towards. We believe in beauty, beyond aesthetics, as a vital quality that can soothe, uplift and inspire us physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Our Added Value

Our architectural experience amplifies the efficiency and agility of our process. We understand all levels of a project, we manage our scope at all stages and we always deliver. Our drawing packages are true to our design direction and we follow through on site with great care and scrupulous attention to detail, all the way to completion. We pride ourselves on keeping to programmes and within budgets. We schedule regular check-ins and updates with our clients to ensure they understand the process and feel confident giving feedback and voicing opinions throughout. We describe ourselves as creative partners, more than service providers.

Our Clients

We are a small studio, which allows us to be hands on throughout our projects. We build relationships with clients and teams founded on trust and accountability. These are fundamental qualities for an enjoyable working process and are paramount for creating good work. We believe that design should be enjoyable, and it is a responsibility that we take seriously to ensure that our clients are happy, excited and feel in control. We are proud of the fact that many of our clients come back to us and recommend us to others.

Our Roots

We are both children of first generation immigrants: Sheila’s mother is Thai, her father is Iranian; Inés’s mother is Chinese-Peruvian and her father is British. We were both born and brought-up in the UK, but we have also travelled widely. In recent decades, Sheila has lived in France and immersed herself in French culture through her husband’s family. We share a curiosity and sensitivity to people and place, culture and identity. It is a subtle and valuable mindset; an appreciation of roots and resonances that we feel adds a richness to our lens on life.